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Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Cleaning lunch boxes,socks and football boots- for going back to school - Part 2

Any container that holds food for extended periods of time will develop an odour Lunch boxes are no exception. Here are some steps to remove that “lunch box smell.” (Why is it that all lunchboxes smell of banana and yogurt?).

To get rid of those odours this is what you will need...

§  Bleach
§  Baking soda
§  Water
§  Soft cloths or sponges
§  Spray bottle
§  Towels
What you need to do is....
1.    Fill a spray bottle (you can pick up these cheaply from most hardware stores/supermarkets) with a weak bleach and water solution.
2.    Spray the interior of the lunch box with the bleach solution.
3.    Wipe it dry with a soft cloth.
4.    Allow it to air dry completely.
        1.   An additional method is to make a paste out of baking soda and water.
2.    Apply the paste to the interior surfaces of the lunch box with a soft cloth.
3.    Allow the paste to dry completely.
4.    Wipe away with a soft cloth or brush out the dried paste with a towel.
5.    Dry baking soda can also be sprinkled in the lunch box and left to set overnight. The baking soda will absorb the odours and can be shaken out in the morning.
6.    Any remaining baking soda can be rinsed out with clean water, but is not harmful if a little bit remains.


§  Metal lunch boxes are making a comeback and don’t create the odour problems that insulated lunch boxes do. If cleanliness and odours are a constant problem, consider a metal or plastic box.
§  Anti-bacterial wipes can be used for quick, daily cleanings to minimize odours.

How to get socks white
· Measure 2 pints of water and pour it into a 5 pints boiling pan. Add 1 and 1/2 cups of white vinegar and heat the pan over the stove.

·         Bring this mixture to a rolling boil. Allow it to boil for 15 minutes and then remove it from the stove to cool. Use oven mitts when handling the hot pan. Let the solution cool for 20 to 30 minutes.

·         Pour the vinegar and water mix into a large bucket. Add the soiled and stained socks and stir with a metal hanger. Let the socks soak overnight.

·         Put on a pair of disposable gloves and begin wringing out each sock.. Dispose of the vinegar water mixture by pouring it down the drain.

·         Place the socks in a washing machine with a load of white clothes. Wash them as normal in the machine! They should come out white as snow!


Wash them, then let them dry naturally, apply good quality black boot polish with a cloth (not brush) and massage the polish in, making sure you generate enough heat to slightly melt the boot polish.

now buff with....wait for it.... THE GUSSETS OF WOMENS TIGHTS... it works so well! It also is great for cleaning school shoes !

If your football boots are just too old or too small why not try www.educationrecycle.net and see if you can pick up a second hand pair for free ! 

Written by Emily Jones - Education Recycle 

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