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Friday, 2 September 2011

What should I do if my child is being bullied at school? Blog by Tring Anti Bullying

This is a great post and a must read - It is supplied by tringantibullying.co.uk - visit this site for loads of advice - We love this site at Education Recycle.

If you would like to get in touch with the author of this blog see details below: Tring Martial Arts Academy, Professional Martial Arts and Fitness Instruction, Kickboxing, Tai Chi, Krav Maga and Cage Fitness - Free Trials in all our styles available please see our website for more information or call Chris or Paula on 0845 094 8805 / 07793 381322 / 07432 727602

Posted by Admin

Summer is almost over and now both parents and children are starting to think about the return to school, but sadly some kids aren’t going to be looking forward to it for negative reasons such as bullying. Whilst researching this latest blog post I was looking through various websites and found an interesting page published by Bucks County Council. I think it is telling that they no longer use the word “bullying” instead they refer to it as “relationship conflict”. Whether this is a dumbing down of the issue or an attempt at lessening the stigma that is attached to the victims, I thought the advice was well worth being re-posted here.

The following was originally posted by Bucks County Council and can be found on their -webpage. Often what many people call bullying is falling out or ‘relationship conflict’, which can be just as upsetting as bullying and still needs to be dealt with. Whatever the problem it essential that:
  • At a primary school, see the class teacher and explain your worries in a friendly, non-confrontational way: It is essential to emphasise that the child needs to let the person that is causing the problem know that they do not like whatever is happening, and then give the bully ’space to stop’. If it persists the child should tell an adult straight away, not wait until they get home. 
  • Ask the teacher how your child is getting on with others in class and raise any issues of conflict with other children.
  • Ask the teacher if they have noticed whether your child seems to be unhappy and isolated. Is the child being excluded from games in the playground or regularly not having a partner to work with in class. · Could the supervisors take a more active role in the playground by keeping an eye on your child and ensuring that people are not excluded from games. 
  • Ask the teacher to keep an eye on the situation and let you know if they have any concerns. Ask if they have any suggestions as to the best way of sorting it out. The same procedure should occur for a Secondary School, however the approach might be made to the Form Tutor or Head of Year. If the problems persist then speak to the Head. If the problem is on the journey to or from school then speak to someone at the school.

If the problem is outside of school then refer to a website such as Childline or Bullying Online. Useful Websites – Child line Bullying.co.uk Antibullying AllianceNSPCC Tring Anti Bulling is an initiative of Tring Martial Arts, professional martial arts instruction and strategies for helping kids deal with bullies is a major part of our training and we hope that we can help our children to stay safe in whatever circumstances they find themselves.

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