Welcome and please read on...if you have anything that you would like to write about that is related to education then please I would love to hear from you and maybe you can Guest Blog for us - e mail me at emily.jones@educationrecycle.net

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Sunday, 31 July 2011

The cost of raising a child is £210,000 – a good reason to use Education Recycle

So why use Education Recycle?
Because the cost of raising a child until the age of 21 years old is at present standing at £210. 000 according to LV= this is up 50% from 2003 and this breaks down to £27.50 a day. Ouch!!

The cost of education, school uniforms, after school clubs and university fees has risen by 5.3% in just the last year -


Education is one of the biggest costs and many children are excluded from the education they deserve. Education, we believe, should be accessible to all, not just the privileged few.

You may think that there isn't a problem, but there is - many families just cannot afford all that is asked of them. Many children miss out on important life skills that help them to get out of the poverty trap, because of a lack of funds.

Many schools are still insisting on uniforms that can only be purchased from an exclusive supplier, this increases the price, pricing many parents out.

There is also evidence from Citizens Advice that some schools even compel parents to purchase the uniform from the school itself - this has been shown to be sometimes twice the cost of purchasing it from a shop.

Why? Why price these uniforms so high?
 Education Recycle thinks this is so unfair, making venerable families and children more so. Making children stand out at school when they do not have the correct uniform, leading to bullying. Also leading to unfair discipline by the school for not having the correct uniform - Are you telling me that this is fair and just?

Evidence shows that 60% of local councils are no longer providing school uniform grants for the lowest income families. This leaves a lot of families with very few choices in where to purchase the costly uniform.

Education Recycle wants all parents to start giving or selling their no longer needed uniform so all have another choice in where it is possible to purchase a cheaper alternative. None of us want any child to feel that they have to go to school standing out for not being able to afford the uniform - we want them to stand out because they are succeeding!

By working together, each of us as families can support each other in being able to afford the equipment needed for all children to succeed in their dreams, whether it is to become a scientist, author, singer or whatever it is they want to do in their lives, we want to make it possible.

Please start using the site and together we can make it work for all of us! http://www.educationrecycle.net/


Emily Jones

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