Welcome and please read on...if you have anything that you would like to write about that is related to education then please I would love to hear from you and maybe you can Guest Blog for us - e mail me at emily.jones@educationrecycle.net

If you are a business which is related to children or education and you would like free advertising then please e mail me at admin@educationrecycle.net and we can add you to our site.

Please, if you have any educational items that you would like to donate to our site - please sign up today and start giving or selling your items to your local community - visit www.educationrecycle.net today - IT IS ALL FREE TO USE !

Friday, 2 September 2011

Guest Blog - Blog-Match.com - Being a Newbie is not easy

“I am way out of my depth with this Blogging thing” I thought it would be so easy, set up a page and start writing about my passion, children and education. How hard can it be? I am doing a Law degree; I run a family business and have a family. Blogging was meant to be a bolt on to my site, a fun way to get out the reason why we are running a site for free…but oh no… IT HAS TAKEN OVER MY LIFE.

I mean it…it has actually taken over my life and now influences what I do, think about, do with my family – oh look what my daughter/husband/dog is doing– first thought is not that it is funny/thought provoking/sad… but that would make a great Blog…”hang on darling, do that again so mummy can take a photo”
“Can we go out Mum?” …”NO, mummy is writing a blog about the last trip out, can’t you put the TV on for a bit”

So I am new to this, I am a species known in the Blogging world as a “newbie” – yes I am the one that posts in the wrong forum on Britmums and still can’t get her head round a blogbuzz or blog carnival and I still laugh at the word “Linky”, I’m sorry it is a very funny word, especially when said by grown adults!
And pray tell me what “Klout” is? I thought it was when someone hit someone over the head – you know giving them a clout. All I know is that I am NOT a big “influencer” but I am an “observer”– is that another way of saying you are not very good then, such a polite way of saying it though.
It sounds like I hate what I am doing, I don’t, I love it – but there is a big scary Blogging world out there and for a newbie who couldn’t even text two years ago it has been a steep learning curve.
My family and I wanted to make a difference to family’s lives by setting up our site which gives a platform for families to give and take educational items. We were so fed up with only some children being able to afford the equipment needed to succeed in education, including my own child that we decided to embark on a project to change things. It is working, but we are seeing life through different eyes, not everyone wants us to succeed – maybe we are taking business away from others, but we have come across some very hard people who will do what it takes to stop you.

On the other hand we have come across very kind and giving people who want nothing more than to help us on our way and we thank them.

Life has changed for my husband and me. I am sure we will continue to spend the next couple of years going to bed, putting the lights on low and reaching over to put the laptops on to check on e mails, scores, likes and trying to get our Linky on others Linkys! That’s love for you…whispering in your loved ones ear just before you go to sleep…”darling we have 5 more likes on Facebook”

I would like to say to anyone that has come across me, thank you for your patience and I am getting better every day I embark on this project – I am a better person for it, of that I am sure.

See my blog on Blog match.com http://bloggermatch.wordpress.com/2011/09/02/guest-blog-%E2%80%93-emily-jones-from-education-recycle/

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