These are the next events that they are holding this Summer : OLD TOWN RIDING "Tue 21st August
10 - 4
Ideal for children that don’t mind getting their hands dirty & want to be at the stables for the day, include turning out, mucking out, catching in from the field, grooming, plaiting, tacking up, riding in a group lesson, playing gymkhana games, cleaning tack, feeding & watering. (This is a general guide only). There will be lots to learn throughout the day as well as plenty of fun & the chance for prizes to be won. Packed lunch is required." Click to go to website
I just know that my daughter would have loved this - we couldn 't afford to do weekly horse riding lessons but this we could have managed and it would have been a day that she would have loved !
They also do loads of other horse stuff...take a look
Thurs 23rd August
10 - 12
Two hours of fun & games at the stables including getting to know the ponies, grooming & plaiting the ponies, playing gymkhana games (races on the ponies). Prizes to be won. A small snack is required." http://www.old-town-riding-school.com/summer-holidays
Or how about...
Thurs 30th August
11 - 3
With the summer holidays coming to a close then the last chance to spend the day at the stables with your favourite friends. Fun & games all day. Prizes to be won. Packed lunch is required." http://www.old-town-riding-school.com/summer-holidays
Let us know if you attend any of the above events and tell us how it went and we want PHOTOS !!
Links to website and booking - http://www.old-town-riding-school.com/
Fernando Martínez Gómez-Tejedor created the Tesla project to create a machine that uses alternative energy for its operation; for this, it needs the collaboration of professionals who contribute their knowledge in electricity, mechanics or engineering to carry out the project. You dare? Write to teslaprojectt@gmail.com to join the project.