Welcome and please read on...if you have anything that you would like to write about that is related to education then please I would love to hear from you and maybe you can Guest Blog for us - e mail me at emily.jones@educationrecycle.net

If you are a business which is related to children or education and you would like free advertising then please e mail me at admin@educationrecycle.net and we can add you to our site.

Please, if you have any educational items that you would like to donate to our site - please sign up today and start giving or selling your items to your local community - visit www.educationrecycle.net today - IT IS ALL FREE TO USE !

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Online Learning Changes in Teaching and Learning - The Twisting Tale of Learning - Written By Robert Williams

Distance learning that has been in the world of education for long witnessed a recent surge in the age of 21st century – the era of Internet and communication technology developments. Well, with distance learning witnessing a change by becoming net based and tech-infused learning, it is imperative that it also brought around a twist in the tale of learning. Online education, the latest innovation in delivering knowledge resulted in Online Learning Changes in Teaching and Learning. Educators found a new way of learning that is far more flexible and convenient offering beneficial approaches for them, while teachers too had to give into a new role of becoming online instructors.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Are children taught the right lessons in school or are the subjects outdated and of no use ? - Your views

I have been asking the question whether parents think that their children are being taught the correct subjects in school. Do you think that the lessons taught are teaching our children to survive in this modern day and age or are the lessons / subjects outdated. If so what lessons would you like to see on your childs' timetable ?
Well I wasn't prepared for how strongly you all felt about this subject and the debates are still raging on and I am sure will continue to for a long time yet.
I would like to thank all that took part and these are my findings...I am no way qualified to say if the subjects taught are the right ones but what I am going to do is feedback what parents have said about this interesting subject.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Guest post from fun-as-a-gran - http://fun-as-a-gran.blogspot.com/2011/04/fun-as-gran-my-blog.html

Vegetables in Disguise

 A Great Blog written by Fun-as-a-gran, she gives us a great recipe which makes vegetables fun for the children - and it is cheap too...

How many of you struggle to get vegetables into your children? Most of the time mine were quite good at eating them. When my own children were young they had sweets once a week, and my younger son did not want a 10p mix-up he always had a raw carrot from the shop, the shop owner use to think this was quite funny, but she would take the carrot he picked through the back, top and tail it and wash it for him and he would happily walk down the road eating this whilst the others swapped sweets for what they like and what they didnt as the mix-ups were pre-made up. He loved carrots that much especially baby carrots and I remember my mother-in-law buying him a pound of baby carrots to eat with his Christmas dinner one year and he ate the lot and nothing else, but he was a strange commodity and not all children are that willing.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

How to make your community smarter by Recycling Education - Blog by: Emily Jones

Emily Jones

This is the latest news report from the Education pages of the BBC News and it is not a pretty editorial; “Many pupils living in poverty come to school hungry, tired and in worn-out clothes, a survey by the ATL teachers' union has suggested.

More than three-quarters of 627 primary, secondary and college teachers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland who responded to the survey believed they taught pupils living in poverty. About 40% said the problem had increased since the recession. More than 85% of the teachers who responded to the survey said they believed that poverty had a negative impact on the well-being of pupils they taught.”

Since setting up Education Recycle we have found many children in Hertfordshire who are living in poverty, and whose family cannot afford the uniforms and equipment needed for school. This is why we have set up our community site to give a platform for members of our local community to exchange, give and take educational items – all for free.

We believe strongly that the best way out of the poverty trap is through education, but how can children change the cycle of poverty if they do not have the needed items for school? We have heard many heartbreaking stories on our journey of setting up our site of children being bullied for wearing the wrong school uniform or ill fitting uniform. Children being punished for wearing the wrong uniform or not having the correct books and children not being able to join in with school activities, for example P.E because they do not have the equipment. I had a Mum in tears at my front door the other day because she could not afford the very expensive school uniform – we found her the uniform and she was given it for free.

A bit of my own story; I was on benefits and had no way out of the poverty trap but I decided to change my future to show my daughter that it could be done. I embarked on a law degree at Hertfordshire University. It has been a struggle – the books every year come to about £300 a year, the travel, the laptop, the paper, the printing costs, the trips...the list is endless. I have had to do my degree without a lot of the equipment needed, but I am in my 4th year and I will finish and I will get a good job. Education will get my family and I out of poverty, but it is hard studying without heating because we have run out on the meter! Imagine then how hard it is for a child...

No parent wants to have to say “No” to their child to going on a school trip or “No” again to them wanting to go swimming but believe me when it comes to a choice of eating, heating and roof over their heads that comes first. Do you really believe that parents with very low incomes want their child to be in a school uniform which they know is far too small...NO, but they often have no choice. I believe that if these children were given the chance to do these activities, school trips and had the items to have hobbies and their school work, it would give them the confidence in themselves to not want to be jobless , to go on benefits or to go on to crime in adulthood – all they need is a bit of belief in them.

If as a community we stopped thinking it wasn’t our problem and that it was the parents fault then we maybe could start moving forward. I think that it is important to look after all of the children in our community and this way give all children the chance to do well as adults. No child starts life with the dream of being on the benefit system, they have bigger and better dreams than that.

To me it is simple; if we start looking after each other we can achieve so much more as a community.

We run the site as a family from my husband, the children to the grandparents – there is in all 11 of us in the family running the site, picking up uniforms from local schools, e mailing and doing fun runs! We make nothing from doing this and my new husband and I spent our wedding gift money to build the site but we are not in this to make money -we wanted to prove that “community” still exists and prove that our theory was correct that by working together as a community change was possible...only time will tell!

All I know is that we care about the children down our street and I would not want one of them to not be able to reach for their dreams because of lack of money. All children deserve a chance and as adults we should all work to make it possible for each and every one of them to reach their full potential.

Please support us and sign up to our site and start advertising your no longer needed school items –

We would like to say thank you to Cllr Lynne Sparks and the Howe Dell Childrens Centre for supporting us and donating school items to us from the start.

Emily Jones

Friday, 2 September 2011

What should I do if my child is being bullied at school? Blog by Tring Anti Bullying

This is a great post and a must read - It is supplied by tringantibullying.co.uk - visit this site for loads of advice - We love this site at Education Recycle.

If you would like to get in touch with the author of this blog see details below: Tring Martial Arts Academy, Professional Martial Arts and Fitness Instruction, Kickboxing, Tai Chi, Krav Maga and Cage Fitness - Free Trials in all our styles available please see our website for more information or call Chris or Paula on 0845 094 8805 / 07793 381322 / 07432 727602

Posted by Admin

Summer is almost over and now both parents and children are starting to think about the return to school, but sadly some kids aren’t going to be looking forward to it for negative reasons such as bullying. Whilst researching this latest blog post I was looking through various websites and found an interesting page published by Bucks County Council. I think it is telling that they no longer use the word “bullying” instead they refer to it as “relationship conflict”. Whether this is a dumbing down of the issue or an attempt at lessening the stigma that is attached to the victims, I thought the advice was well worth being re-posted here.

Guest Blog - Blog-Match.com - Being a Newbie is not easy

“I am way out of my depth with this Blogging thing” I thought it would be so easy, set up a page and start writing about my passion, children and education. How hard can it be? I am doing a Law degree; I run a family business and have a family. Blogging was meant to be a bolt on to my site, a fun way to get out the reason why we are running a site for free…but oh no… IT HAS TAKEN OVER MY LIFE.