There is a new parenting book out February 2nd and it can help give your child the confidence and skills so they can be the best they can at school, home and play. It is called ‘The Parent’s Toolkit, Simple and Effective Ways to Help Your Child Be Their Best’ and has been written by Naomi Richards, the UK's leading kids coach. In ‘The Parent’s Toolkit’ Naomi shares the key life tools she uses and teaches so that you can help your child successfully navigate childhood problems and grow up into a happy, confident and resilient young adult.
Aimed at parents with children aged 6+ and divided into the most important areas of a child’s life, ‘The Parent’s Toolkit’ is packed with real-life examples, useful hints to help you in conversations with your child and creative ideas to help solve problems. Upbeat, insightful and incredibly practical, ‘The Parent’s Toolkit’ is essential reading for any parent wanting to give their child the best start in life.
Naomi is doing a book singing on 16th February at Waterstones St Albans at 7.30pm to promote her book and answer any questions you have about her work.
Many thanks
Naomi Richards
The Kids Coach
The UK’s Life Coach For Children
‘Coaching Children for Positive Change’
Tel : 07961312749
Twitter: @thekidscoach
Pre-order my book, ‘The Parent’s Toolkit’ – published by Vermilion, Random House, out 2nd February 2012
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